
Incredibly rewarding feedback …



I always come out of my sessions with Rachel feeling a 100% better than I did before. She always motivates me and loves finding new exercises and ‘tweaking’ my technique to help me get it 100%. I love my fitness journey and wouldn’t be where I am today without Rachel. Considering when I started with Rachel I was in pain walking up my drive, and now I’m in the gym 4 times a week and play rugby weekly and just got through into the North Wales final is all thanks to Rachel 😊 and all the work she has helped me with and making me stronger everyday 💪🏼.


Jane Tooms

I have known Rach for over 30 years, working together in the fitness industry for many of those years. I always admired her energy and enthusiasm to teach and get results for all of her clients.

In lockdown I joined Rach’s online classes and PT sessions and have never looked back. I stopped my gym membership and now see Rach via video every week. Her experience, knowledge and understanding is outstanding. My lessons are fun, my body shape has changed, my fitness levels increased and any problems I have physically or emotionally, are dealt with.

Rach is so caring, compassionate and so committed to make a difference to everyone she teaches. I thoroughly recommend her sessions.



I started sessions with Rachel in June 2018 with bad posture and back ache. My body has been transformed by this dedicated and professional PT, who’s a 100% committed at all times. Whatever life throws at me Rachel is there to put me back together again. I leave every session feeling physically and mentally stronger. My fitness sessions with Rachel are now part of my routine and I can’t imagine life without them.

Sarah H

Buzzing, glowing, rejuvenated, energised and re-set! Just some of many benefits following a one to one personal training session with Rachel. Have had sessions with other trainers over the years but I have come to realise that ending a session a deep shade of purple and feeling anything other than ‘good’ is not the way things should be done. Rachel really does look after the only body we have.

She listens attentively to my needs and goals with care compassion and understanding. Her knowledge and coaching methods are extensive and excellent, whether for toning, strengthening, nutrition, or, as has been necessary for me on occasion, as a result of my job, to re-set me and realign my body.

Sessions are varied, challenging as needed and tremendous fun (yes fun!) The very many benefits of sessions with a professional coach/trainer are very worthwhile and I cannot recommend Rachel highly enough.


Anne Lloyd

During the Autumn of 2017, while gardening I tore my Supraspinatus muscle, my right shoulder and arm movement became intensely painful and very restricted.

I was advised to visit the Anglesey Sports Injury Clinic and was treated there several times and this gave me great relief and the pain was minimised, but it was suggested that I needed to make my body stronger and build the muscles to support this injury and reduce the future damage to any muscles when working in the garden.

I went to see Rachel Armstrong in Rhosneigr, who is a personal trainer in exercise and a nutrition programme. Rachel is a very enthusiastic, fun person and she helped me through a gentle approach to exercise and a change to my diet which has proved to be very beneficial. I have a condition called Fibromyalgia which can be very debilitating, especially with painful muscles, but with Rachel’s care even this has been made more tolerable. I now run upstairs and can lift 5kg weights, quite easily.

I feel better, sleep more soundly and I am getting fitter as I get older, also Rachel makes it all seem fun.

Thank you Rachel, I look forward to my sessions with you and my homework.


Dr Ross Roberts

As a keen club fell runner I contacted Rachel initially for a running assessment and exercises to improve my core strength and stability to enable me to run faster in the mountains. The work we have done together has been fantastic. Rachel has made huge changes to my stability and posture, making me stronger and helping to prevent injury. Every session we do is great; Rachel is full of enthusiasm and has outstanding knowledge. This knowledge allows her to tailor every session to my specific needs and helps me progress. I can’t recommend her highly enough!

Jane Jones

After having given up running eighteen months previously due to bad knees I was very unfit and feeling really low. I cycled through the Summer, long distances sometimes but it never gave me the same ‘buzz’ as running did. I hate the gym and anything indoorsy really. I have never been slim but had become fat and miserable. I saw a couple of Rachels posts on fb. In one of the photos a lady was deadlifting weights. I fancied having a go at it and made a comment along those lines. Rachel encouraged me to visit her for a 1:1 session. No way was I ready for that mentally. Homelife was not great and I was already under a lot of stress. The last thing I needed was to be put on a weighing scales. Over the space of a few weeks Rachel and I chatted online. She reassured me that I wouldn’t have to be weighed or measured and that we could work around that. So I booked my first session. What I was really looking for was to find something that my old body could do to keep me physically and mentally fit that I could also enjoy. I never wanted exercise to feel like a chore.

Turning up for my first session was tough but Rachel put me at my ease. She gave me workouts to do at home and told me that she believed that I would run again. That was more than I had gone to see her hoping for. I kept up weekly 1:1 sessions and did my homework. I then also joined a running group run by Rachel. I had already started run/walking on my own prior to the 6 weeks course under Rachels instruction. Anyway, to cut a long story short 5 months after my first visit to Rachel I ran 5k relatively problem free. Rachel had taught me how to warm up properly and to stretch after exercise too.

I am still carrying too much weight but I have my confidence back. I can’t run as often as I used to but I now walk 12k steps daily. I am really looking forward to my next step of the journey with Rachel which starts next week. Next week we shall be looking at nutrition and sleep.

I have recommended Rachel to friends. They are now enjoying the benefits of her tuition too and are now recommending her to their friends.


Anne Roberts

I started going to Rachel almost a year and a half ago, first and still do, go to her HIIT classes which I thoroughly enjoy and then to see her 1:1. As a 56 year old I was full on menopausal and can’t describe the help I’ve had off Rachel, fitness wise, nutritionally and emotional support to re ignite my love of hill walking and cycling. I have a history of 52 years as a horse rider and competitor and had stopped competitive riding in 2014 and felt myself slide downhill. Now I have a renewed enthusiasm and best of all virtually no menopause symptoms. So Grateful.

Emily Carroll

I started with Rachel 4 months ago. After multiple injuries, trying to get fit by myself resulted in a lot of pain, so I gave up so many times. Feeling disheartened, I finally made the decision to seek out some help and I am so glad I did. Rachel’s comprehensive understanding of the underlying reasons for the pain I was in has been brilliant. We have worked through my injuries to improve strength and stability, working on form rather than speed so that I can understand how my body should be moving. It means that exercise is now pain free and importantly I have started to enjoy it! Rachel has been wonderfully supportive and encouraging: not just in our 1:1 sessions but also with support between sessions. I can’t recommend One Body Personal Training enough.

Nicole Moore

Quite simply joining this class was the best decision I have ever made!

After a really traumatic time in my life & some post traumatic stress taking its toll on my body, I overcame my innate fear of gyms and exercise groups and went along to a HIIT class……I’m someone who walks my dog but did not exercise in any other way. A whole new world has opened up to me…I now do HIIT class and am part of a running group. I have met the most amazing women ever and have made great friends and found a sense of belonging in a very special community. My week is now structured with time for self care & self compassion for the first time in my adult life. I now understand the intrinsic link between my body, my mind and my emotions. My wellbeing has improved so quickly and so completely that in less than a year I am in a completely different place in my life. My strength is returning, my self esteem has returned, my joy has returned, mostly as a consequence of belly laughing with women in the group but also by rediscovering fresh & nutritious food, fresh air, nature, belonging to a group, having a structure & routine of self care.

Rach is the most amazing teacher and coach, she genuinely has a passion to get alongside each of us and walk through our journey with us, always encouraging, supporting, showing great care & compassion for each individual woman.

This isn’t just a fitness class, this is so much more. I am so grateful for the true gift that this has been to me and for the new world of exercise and fun that this has opened up to me. I have tried things I thought I would never try, me running is a miracle…… But it turns out I absolutely love it!

Whatever your situation, whatever your reason for considering working with Rach…I promise it will be the best decision you make and the greatest kindness you could ever show yourself.

Thank you Rach!


Lyndsey Lynch

I started working with Rachel around 6 months ago, but since January weekly. I was a bit of a cronk going to her! I have always run, I run for mental health and to keep chronic migraine in check and so wouldn’t listen to the rest of my body! I just kept running! Looking back I probably had plantar fasciitis for about 3 years but just ignored it…..until I couldn’t actually walk in the morning or even when I sat for a bit my foot was just so painful.

I went to see a physio who released my calves and massaged my feet, this helped but still I wasn’t able to walk for any length of time and running was out of the question! By now I was migraining pretty much constantly.

Seeing Rachel every week for the past 3 months, she’s helped me look at inflammation causing food in my diet, suggested supplements, helped me increase my hydration, supported me to build muscle, help me understand how I hold myself, my shoulders, what glutes and inner thighs are supposed to do AND I’m back running!!!

Rachel’s approach is careful and holistic… I cannot thank her enough, 12 months ago I thought I’d never run again now I feel strong, migraines are back under control and I’m excited about what else I can achieve with her help!


Sian Sykes, Psyched SUP

Rachel taught me a valuable lesson to listen to my body, to respect it and to love it. Before I saw Rachel I would stress train, doing 3 or 4 sessions at the gym, and then stress eating to make sure I was putting the right things into my body, but not really in the right process, and stress sleeping, so my sleep pattern was terrible. So I was absolutely exhausted when I first saw Rachel, and she just told me to slow down and rest, so we could restart the process of being really kind to my body.

Since seeing Rachel we have been on a wonderful journey about understanding the mechanics of my body, what it needs, how it functions, taking things slow, making sure everything is aligned and switched on, to be 100% ready for action, and I have seen wonderful results. She really truly cares about your body, and for you to be the best version of yourself. Thank you Rachel I am looking forward to carrying on for many years to come and to achieving great results.


Louise Burman

Thanks so much for this Rachel and Wendy and all of you in the group. I’ve really enjoyed everything about the course. I thought I knew a lot about nutrition, weight and exercise but I have learnt so much and everything I have been taught makes complete sense. Rachel’s passion and enthusiasm is infectious.

I started off wanting to achieve the results for her but soon realised I wanted to do it for myself. I really do feel so much better, healthier, happier and fitter. I shall become a pensioner in exactly one month’s time. I’m determined to apply what I’ve learnt for the rest of my life. As Rachel says, ‘We only have one body’ .. Thank you! 🙂


Lisa G

I have been seeing Rachel for Injury Rehabilitation for my posterior pelvic instability for the past few months, I am so grateful for the time, effort and support she is putting in during and between sessions.

Her knowledge and skill of assessing the body and adapting exercises to aid the rehab process, has been extremely informative and beneficial for the progression of my body becoming pain free.

I highly recommend One Body Personal Training.



I started attending One body Person Training with Rachel, over 3 years ago. I attended the sessions weekly and Rachel supported me with different exercises by using the roller, the TRX suspension trainer, resistance bands and some weights. As well as this, she gave me advice on the best Nutrition, by eating the right amount of food, full of colour and flavour.

She goes the extra mile by supporting me throughout the week, by asking if all is ok, and it helped me to send photos of my meals daily !!! Rachel always sent a video of my exercises, just to remind me to do it right !!! She is a star thinking of us and deffo goes the extra mile !!! I don’t know what I would of done without her support !!!!

Diolch Rachel x



Rachel designs individual exercise and functional movement programs for her clients that are based on her holistic approach to health and fitness. She understands how the body works, how things can go wrong, and how we can all move ourselves forwards towards better health. She takes account of life events and some of things we can’t control (such as the menopause) but encourages us to work on lifestyle changes, coping with stress, and sleeping better – to make the most of ourselves, no matter what is happening in our bodies, or at home or at work.

Rachel is incredibly positive, totally inspiring and a lot of fun to work with! Her sessions have transformed my balance and posture, and I would not be without her. Rachel challenges my body but knows exactly how far to push me. She is very observant and caring as well as knowledgeable. I’m looking forward to learning more and making further progress


Rachael & Jo Goddard

What can we say about Rachel at One Body Personal Training, she is AMAZING.

My twin sister and I have struggled with our weight all our lives. We were with our previous PT for over 10 years and never achieved anything. Within the last 9 months of Rachel being our PT we have lost a combined weight of 8st, increased our lean muscle mass, dropped body fat, increased our fitness levels tenfold and changed our nutrition for the better.

She is incredible at what she does. Whether you are having a PT session or taking part in one of the many group activities you feel like you have Rachel’s undivided attention. The thought of always having Rachel at the end of the phone has helped us remain focused and when we have had any problems or questions Rachel’s knowledge and advice has always pulled us through.

Thank you Rachel for agreeing to join Jo and I on our journey, you are our guardian angel.


Cathryn Roberts

I initially contacted Rachel because I had a longstanding knee and lower back problem that was causing me pain every day. It had got to the point that sitting and walking was painful. Rachel took a holistic view – not only working to strengthen my body but also helping me to consider the impact of my stress levels, sleep, hydration and nutrition on my wellbeing. Most importantly, her positive, kind and motivating attitude gave me the confidence to make some significant changes. After eight weeks, my knee was stronger and my back pain had resolved so we set new goals and 16 months on going to see Rachel has become an essential part of my week!

Louise Neville-Beck

I contacted Rachel as I wanted a little bit of help with my diet and wanted to reduce my body fat. I didn’t think my diet was that bad but knew it needed changes. I’d just started to work 12 hour shifts at work and as my job is very varied, trying to eat or drink could sometimes be very difficult which had a knock on effect on my concentration and energy levels.

Rach asked me to keep a diary of everything that I ate and drank for a couple of weeks and then we had a couple of consultations via Skype as I live in York ( oh the power of technology!)

Rach gave me lots of pointers towards nutrition, supplements, type of foods that I should be eating to stay fuller for longer and how much water I should be drinking. I followed her instructions and I have to say that I am more aware of what I’m putting in my body. I feel more energised, feel fuller and I’m drinking more water. My body fat has gone down a bit and I generally feel a lot better. I’m taking lots of different foods to work and find my pack up bag that I carry around in my work van isn’t big enough so I ‘m filling the work fridge too!

I’m so pleased I contacted Rach she’s really helped me get on track.


Hugh Myott

I started working with Rachel at One Body twelve months before a double hip replacement. Through a detailed programme of strength and balance exercises I was able to prepare my body for the major surgery ahead. Professional advice from Rachel through the initial weeks post surgery was invaluable which was then followed by a personalised programme of rehab. Due to this attention to detail pre and post surgery, I was able to complete a full ski season eight months after having both hips replaced. I can’t recommend Rachel highly enough, her personalised training plans and continual support and encouragement have been life changing.

Hollamby Family

Joining the One Body team has been one of the best life changing decisions I’ve ever made, Not only for myself but as a whole family. I have been with Rachel since October, I’ve had my few struggles but I have never been so full of energy to play with my children, inspiration to cook and eat as well and as healthy as I do and determination to succeed in a healthy lifestyle change.

None of what I have achieved today would not have been possible without the dedication of my amazing PT, Rachel.

Rachel is such a lovely, approachable person, Even on your down days you can still talk to her and she will advise and guide you to the better decisions. Although I am keen to loose weight Rachel and myself have discussed in depth how important it is just to be healthy and that in itself Is an achievement I have been lucky enough to reach. I have highly recommended OneBody Personal Training to so many, including my husband who is now gaining his fitness enough to start a new Career.

All our hearts go to Rachel with so much thanks for how much fulfilment she has given us in our new adventures.


Rhian Williams

I’d 110% recommend making an appointment to see Rachel either if you just want to get your fitness up, or if you have specific goals in mind. I first went to see Rachel just to get fitter & stronger.

I had been struggling with a hip problem for a while and knew I needed surgery, but the waiting list was so long that I knew I couldn’t just sit around and wait. Rachel helped me to improve my strength and fitness while protecting my hip from further damage, and also improving muscle strength so that my recovery could be as quick as possible when I finally did get called in for the op. By the end of 2018 I was probably as strong as I have ever been! Then in early 2019 I finally got the op out of the way… I am now 3 months on from hip surgery, and my surgeon is really happy with my progress. Initially they said it would be 5 months+ before I could think about running again, but after 3 months of hard work with Rachel, it looks like I could be back jogging around 4 months after the op.

Rehab can be pretty lonely and demotivating if you do it alone so having someone to a) make it interesting b) remind you that even though you’re frustrated, that it’s normal and you ARE progressing c) motivate you and d) make sure you’re not doing any damage with bad form is really important.

Thanks Rachel


Linda Wynne Jones

I first met Rachel through my sister last May, and that night change my life. I had been unwell and gone into a bit of a rut, but wanted to do something. So off l went that first Thursday evening and really enjoyed it, even though l could not move then through the weekend ?.

Over the last few months l have grown fitter than l have been for many many years and even did a 5k run in just 5 weeks. I walk the mountains with my sister and weekends i’m out walking instead of off shopping. I can’t thank Rachel enough for changing my life around. Another bonus of the classes is making new friends. Thank you Rachel for all your support and encouragement.

Even on bad days l always feel better after being with you l could not do it without you. Thank you.


Jane Roberts

“Personal Trainers are for elite athletes or show business celebrities” Well I am definitely neither!

Having reached a certain age and decided that the time had come to attend the obligatory ‘keep fit class ’, I was introduced to Rachel and One Body. I found the classes to be motivating with Rachel providing a relaxed yet professional atmosphere. With the emphasis being on inclusion for all abilities, Rachel soon encouraged those new to personal fitness and motivated those of us that may have ‘lapsed’ either through injury or busy lifestyles.

Bitten by the bug I decided to take the plunge with 1:1 sessions with Rachel. As someone who has a long standing neck injury, it’s great to be instructed at a pace that gives you confidence and from someone who is clearly knowledgeable of her profession.

I have no hesitation in recommending Rachel and One Body Personal Training.

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07501 553 192

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